The first and only device of its kind to bring together three powerful energies

Logo & Logo Type

Color Palettes

Alma Purple

CMYK: 83 92 34 26
RGB: 67 45 93
Pantone: 669 c


CMYK: 50 50 50 100
RGB: 5 0 0
Pantone: Black 6 c



Dark Grey

CMYK: 50 50 50 100
RGB: 5 0 0
Pantone: Black 6 c




Body text: Mont Regular

Designed for a wide range of ablative, non-ablative and thermal treatments, Alma HybridTM combines the power of three core energies, creating a uniquely synergistic effect.

Headlines #1: Mont Bold

Safe, precise and versatile, HyGridTM gives you the benefit of both the CO2 and 1570nm lasers in one applicator, enabling you to custom-program the skin ablation-non ablation ratio in a matrix of the precise proportions required to meet the unique treatment needs of each and every patient.

Headlines #2: Mont Black

The first and only device of its kind to bring together three powerful energies

Headlines #3 & Branded types
Frank Ruhl Black

The first and only device of its kind to bring together three powerful energies

Vectors & Grid


People & Faces

Platform & Applicators

Now, let’s see it in work

Our brands are all about people and their positive experience, which we like to summarize into three meaningful words – Brands. People. Trust.