Always a Pleasure.
Enhance your sexual experience.

Logo & Logo Type

Color Palettes

Alma Purple

CMYK: 80 90 30 30
RGB: 68 44 92
Pantone: 669 c


CMYK: 0 30 40 0
RGB: 255 178 152
Pantone: 162C

Dark Grey

CMYK: 67 65 62 62
RGB: 45 42 38
Pantone: Black 6 c


CMYK: 53 53 59 24
RGB: 111 98 89
Pantone: Warm Grey 11C


CMYK: 0 0 0 0
RGB: 255 255 255
Pantone: Cool Gray 1C


CMYK: 14 16 20 0
RGB:216 205 195
Pantone: Cool Gray 1C


Body text: Mont Regular

Alma Duo is an advanced, effective solution registered and listed with the
FDA as a Class I and CE Class IIb medical device. It uses the gold standard in shock wave technology – focused low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LIESWT) – to stimulate blood flow to the sexual organs, restoring natural function and helping with the effects of aging on vascular function.

Headlines #1: Mont Bold

Always a Pleasure.
Enhance your sexual experience.

Headlines #2: Mont Black

Always a Pleasure.
Enhance your sexual experience.

Headlines #3 & Branded types
Frank Ruhl Black

Always a Pleasure.
Enhance your sexual experience.

Vectors & Grid


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Our brands are all about people and their positive experience, which we like to summarize into three meaningful words – Brands. People. Trust.